Michele Corredor
We must understand that these concepts are similar but not identical in usage or role within a learning strategy. First, training is defined as delivering knowledge for task execution. Coaching involves activities that develop skills, and education encompasses training and coaching within a formal process with clear objectives.
Thanks to these concepts, learning strategies have developed throughout human history. However, the goal of this article is not to explore past methods. The real objective is to understand that today, there are tools that enable us to make our employees and students competent without significant investment.
That’s right; the LMS perfectly fits the current interactivity needed to create, manage, organize, and deliver online training materials to an audience that will not only learn but also develop skills within a different, attractive, innovative, and highly useful training and coaching system.
The primary goal of an LMS is to keep the audience’s knowledge up to date, covering learning. In an LMS, you can organize your courses, participants, and results, covering management. Finally, an LMS is a system or software that allows training to be digital, interactive, and online.
The next question you might have is, “How is everything organized within the LMS?” Well, an LMS consists of two types of environments: an administrative environment and a user environment.
Why separate the environments? Basically, to hierarchize access and permissions. You need one or more users with the necessary permissions to create and update all training materials, and you also need an audience and an interface designed for student learning.
Finally, let’s explore some advantages of educational platforms implemented through a learning management system.