Michele Corredor

May 30, 2024
Digital Transformation? Doesn’t everything around us function digitally? Isn’t technology present in our daily lives? Every detail points us towards an increasingly digital world, but this is not digital transformation; it’s digitalization.

When we convert a “manual” task and bring it into a digital environment, we’re talking about the digitalization of tasks. An example of this is moving our telemarketing team from using an Excel sheet for profiling potential clients to using a web form. This is digitizing a process.

However, digitalizing tasks isn’t enough. What your company needs is to undergo a digital transformation. This involves applying digital capabilities to processes, integrating digital technology into all areas of a company, fundamentally changing how it operates and delivers value to its customers.

A web development is crucial when implementing digital strategies. This type of work is a valuable tool for creating new communication methods with a visually appealing, guided, and organized interface. It relates to all the data a potential client needs to consult to determine if our product or service meets their needs.

Artista Digital

There are many types of web developments, one of which is the corporate website. Let’s focus on answering the question: Why create a website?

The most important thing to know is that whether you have a small or large company, whether it’s new or has been operating for years, whether it manufactures products or provides services, all businesses have something in common: they need brand recognition or a corporate image.
First, a website increases brand recognition. Your company might be traditional, but technology changes, and new people are born and grow up buying digitally. Others adapt and start buying digitally, and a small percentage continues to buy the same way. The secomd one group will diminish over time. This is why you need your brand to be more recognized, and there’s no better way to start than with a website.
Artista Digital
Artista Digital
Another primary reason is increased sales. Your business has a closing time, and if you provide a service, your working hours are limited. The digital world operates 24/7, so there are no limitations to receiving a purchase, a quotation request, or public interactions with the products or services you offer.
Attract new customers and expand your business’s reach. It’s easier to share a website link through any medium than to pay for local advertising or hand out flyers on a street corner. A website is a tremendous opportunity to grow and become known.
Artista Digital
Artista Digital
You can grow and reach more people, but you won’t sustain it over time without recurring customers. A website helps you build customer loyalty because it is the first point of interaction, advice, relationship-building, and loyalty creation with your customers.
In conclusion, greater brand recognition, increased sales, and loyal customers accelerate brand growth, turning a small business into a micro-enterprise. However, to make this a reality, hard work and, above all, quality in the products and services offered are needed.
Artista Digital
There are different types of websites, each with different purposes and functions. Each plays a definitive role in the company and should be created according to the business needs. Here are some of them.

Tipos de Sitios Web

  • Ecommerce:This is a website where users can shop online from the comfort of their home, office, or anywhere without having to visit a physical store.
  • Landing page: A low-complexity site with a specific purpose: capturing information from potential clients in exchange for valuable content (Whitepaper, Technical Report, or Brochure) or a benefit (Discounts, Bonuses, Gifts).
  • Corporate websites: The corporate website typically offers basic company information, location, services, contact points, and an about section. It is characterized by having clean designs.
  • Brand Websites: Ideal for companies in mass consumption sectors with a significant need for positioning and brand recognition.
  • Blogs: Content creation sites where practical advice, tutorials, news, or opinions are highlighted to generate interactions with users interested in the content.
  • Professional services websites: Sites designed to attract clients to acquire a service. They provide information about professional profiles or services offered and close service negotiations, similar to eCommerce sites but not strictly eCommerce.
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Digital art, inspiration, and technology in one place

El Arte Digital, inspiración y tecnología en un mismo lugar.Cualquiera de nosotros se preguntara ¿Qué es el arte digital?, pues bien este se define como una serie de disciplinas creativas en las que por medio de tecnología se realiza el proceso de ideación, creación y...

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